About Me

My name is Cameron, and I’m a chemical engineer based in Kitchener, Ontario looking to transition into Software Engineering.

I've worked in a few different automotive manufacturing environments where I discovered that my favourite projects were those where I solved problems using code.

I've got a love for data and optimization and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when finding and fixing that bug in your code.

My current focus has been on Full Stack web development though I am also interested in data analytics and testing.


Barbell Optimizer

A calculator to save time at the Gym by splitting people into groups that minimize the number of barbells that need to be changed

Skills Showcased

  • Algorithmic problem solving
  • Using code for practical solutions
Marketboard Profit Finder

This "Final Fantasy 14" Market Calculator pulls historical market data from a 3rd party API and identifies which items are currently profitable to purchase components for and to craft

Skills Showcased

  • Integrating w/ 3rd party API
  • SQL database create/read/update
  • Using code for practical solutions
Issue Tracker

This project allows a team of people to submit, track, and manage bugs.

  • Includes a dashboard for tracking Key Performance Indicators
  • Different levels of functionality for Admins, Managers, Devs, and Submitters
  • Ability to assign tickets to specific users
  • Update activities for tickets and change their status
  • Pull up an individual ticket and view its detailed history

Created in collaboration w/ TSennema to practice our use of Git and working in a team environment.

Skills Showcased

  • HTML/CSS/Javascript Frontend Development
  • Flask(Python) Backend Development
  • SQL database create/read/update
  • Git commit/push/merge

Additional Projects

Sudoku Solver

Developed an algorithm to solve sudoku puzzles. Incorporates both basic sudoku logic and backtracking.


A GUI for playing the card game Freecell

Portfolio Website

Created the website you are viewing right now using CSS and HTML.

Contact Me

Email Me

Email: cameron.deweerd@gmail.com

Phone: 905-730-9493